Why Andrew Tate Call Himself A Misogynist?

Andrew Tate calls himself a misogynist. He has, in fact, rightly identified himself as a misogynist. It is visible from his views that he has said out loud that women belong in the home and are man’s property. Furthermore, he said rape victims are themselves responsible for their rape attacks because of the imprint they leave on men. If you have seen his videos, you might have changed because of his misogynistic posts, which went viral in no time. Let us have a look at his misogynistic post.

Is Andrew Tete A Misogynist?

Yes, he is! In his videos, he often portrays himself as a playboy, smoking cigars. In addition, he talked about choking and further hitting women. He previously said in a video that if a woman ever accuses him of cheating, he will end up hitting her face and choking her neck. 

Due to his misogynistic post, he quickly earned attention from different domestic abuse charities. It is important to hold him accountable as he was influencing other men and boys to commit a misogynistic crime.

Why Andrew Tate Call Himself A Misogynist?

Andrew Tate also considers himself a self-help influencer. It is because he teaches his male fans how to create wealth and attract girls. Andrew Tate’s net worth comes highly from his influencing job; according to reports, he is even searched more than Kim Kardashian. His way to fame was not accidental but a good marketing strategy. He has asked his fans to share his videos on social media platforms. In addition, to earn total views, he asked them to share with his followers his most controversial videos. 

In a way, Tate used his followers at Hustler’s University to manipulate the algorithm of social media for posting his social media posts. 

Is Andrew Tate The King Of Controversy?

Andrew is not known for his misogynistic posts but also his homophobic views. His Twitter account has multiple posts that show his homophobic nature. He also drew controversies when he said that depression is not natural. 

After that, when the internet world went through the #In The MeToo storm, he commented that raped women should bear responsibility for the attack. This comment banned him from Twitter. Even though he received backlash, his popularity increased because of it. In 2019, he was on the radar of the police because he showed up in the house of a journalist who criticized him. The wife of Mike Stuchberry, the journalist, had an anxiety attack because of the same. 

Andrew Tate’s Views About Women 

During a YouTube interview, he confessed to being an absolute misogynist. He further added that he is a realist. Furthermore, anyone who is a realist has to be sexist. It is impossible to have a realist root without being sexist. During the same interview, he said that women are lazy. He then added that there is no such concept of an independent woman. 

After his views went viral, YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter banned him. It is because these social media platforms do not support any hateful ideology, and misogyny falls under this category. As discussed above, he was later banned from Twitter because of his rape remark. 

Did Andrew’s Misogynistic View Land Him In Jail?

In December 2022, Andrew was arrested in Bucharest. However, Andrew Tate’s arrest had no relation to his misogynist views or comments. He was arrested because he faced allegations of rape and human trafficking. Andrew was detained along with his brother Tristan. Both the brothers denied the charges.

Also, that same month, he had a clash with Greta Thunberg, the environmental activist on Twitter. He boasted his 33 cars in a Twitter post. Andrew’s net worth includes his extensive collection of cars which is a huge asset.

It needs to be noted that charges against him might hold true. It is because a woman has previously accused him of rape. What was his reply? Andrew said, “I Love Raping You.”


Nilakshi Pathak (Late) - Articles Updated by Areeba Sheikh
Nilakshi Pathak (Late) - Articles Updated by Areeba Sheikh
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