Taxi Driver is a South Korean action crime television series created by Studio S (SBS) and Cho Sung Hoon and written by Oh Sang-ho and Lee Ji Hyun. The series is directed by Park Joon Woo and produced by Han Jung Whan, Song Byung Joon, and Lee Ok Gyu. The show is inspired by the comic webtoon titled The Deluxe Taxi by Carlos and Lee Jae Jin and stars Lee Je Hoon, Kim Eui Sung, and Esom. Here’s everything you need to know about Taxi Driver Season 2!
The superb performances by actors and also the storyline managed to attract viewers and also received many positive reviews from the audience not only in Korea but across the world. Studio S picked up the series for the production. The series follows the main character Kim Do Gi played by Lee Je hoon who is a graduate of Korea Military Academy and his mother was killed while he was young.
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The show gained so much attention and became so popular that it has got a rating of 8.2 out of 10 and 96 percent in rotten tomatoes. The crime section in the series is said to be based on the actual cruel brutal crimes strained in Korea. After watching the first season of the Korean drama, all the Korean drama lovers have been requesting and anticipating the second season and we have got you covered with all the latest information on the same.
Taxi Driver Season 2 Release Date
The first season of the series premiered on 9th April 2021 on SBS TV and used to premiere every Friday and Saturday, and concluded on 29th May 2021 with a total of 16 episodes with an average runtime of about 70 minutes. SBS TV had made an announcement regarding the renewal of the series for its second season on 6th July. According to reports, Studio S is planning to start the production of the second season as soon as possible and probably in this year only.
Taxi Driver Season 2 Cast
As of now, there is no disclosure made to date for the cast who will be seen in the upcoming season of the series but we can still expect almost all the characters to return for the second season to reprise their roles from the previous season. Let’s have a look at the names of the main cast below.
- Lee Je Hoon in the main role of Kim Do Gi
- Esom in the main role of Kang Ha Na
- Kim Eui Sung in the main role of Jang Sung Chul
- Pyo Ye Jin in the main role of Ahn Go Eun
We can also expect supporting characters to return and the name includes:
- Jang Hyuk Jin in the role of Choi Kyung Goo
- Bae Yoo Ram in the role of Park Jin Eon
- Cha Ji Yeon in the role of Baek Sung Mi
- Yoo Seung Mok in the role of Cho Jin Woo
- Lee Yoo Joon in the role of Wang Min Ho
- Yu Yeon Su in the role of So Eun
- Lee Ho Cheol in the role of Goo Seok Tae
- Cho Hyun Woo in the role of Cho Do Chul
- Heo Jung Do in the role of Park Dong Pil
Along with these characters, we can also see other recurring characters as well like Jo In, Tae Hang Ho, Song Deok Ho, Kim Do Yeon, Jo Dae Hee, Park Joon Mok, Choi Hyun Wook, Lee Jae Hak, Lee Min Jae, Jeon Sung-il, Baek Hyun Jin, Cho Ha Seok, Kim Jae Young, Lee Da Il and many more.
Though till now no hints have been given on the probable synopsis of season 2 of the show before getting into the storyline expected in the second season let us take a quick sneak peek into the events that happened in season 1. The series revolves around the main character Kim Do Gi who works as a taxi driver for a company that provides a “revenge-call” service for its customers. Kim led all his life spending as a sincere and honest officer in the special forces.
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But his life went upside down when a brutal killer took away the life of his mother. When he was having the most miserable days of his life, he was told to join “Rainbow Taxi” by Jang Sung Chul. Well, this taxi company is not an ordinary one; rather it provides opportunity and helps the victims along with their families to take their revenge from the culprits on their way.
The members of the taxi company work in a very different way from police officials and help to extend justice to all their customers. Kang Ha Na who is a prosecutor is fascinated and attracted by the fact and hence inquiries about the company her seniors told her not to do that. Initially, she gets infuriated seeing the way Rainbow Taxi perform their work but eventually, she gets into a dilemma as well witnessing the way that taxi companies solve those cases which even law was unable to untangle.
Previously Lee Je Hoon stated that he would prefer to address more cases that could not be covered in the first season. Further, we can also expect the Rainbow Taxi and cops coming together in the second season to help people get justice.
There is no trailer released to date but we can expect the first glimpse by the first quarter of 2022 hopefully.
The first season has done so well and impressed the audience with the unique storyline and we are sure the second season will be more gripping and interesting. We will keep you updated with the latest information until then stay tuned.