Popular Japanese anime, Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance, will be released on Netflix this fall. It is based on the Japanese anime franchise, which includes the manga series and previous Japanese TV and movie installments. The teasers for the upcoming live-action TV series are already out.
Does Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance Have a Release Date?
According to the trailer, Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance will be released in fall 2024. However, the official release date has yet to be disclosed. The storyline will span sixty episodes, thirty minutes long, and be packed with serious CGI action. Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance will become exclusively available on Netflix.
The official teaser was also released in Japanese and English on the GundamInfo YouTube channel.
The story is set on the European front during the One-Year War. A revolutionary war erupts when the Principality of Zeon declares independence from the Earth Federation. By then, the Humanoid Gundam RX-78 is just a prototype.
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The teaser is set in the Universal Century, 0079. Fast-paced screen grabs show the mighty mechas tearing through the air and dripping missiles. In one scene, Gundam splits a tank with a single strike. Exciting shots of Irai Sorari show her camping around her fellow covenant members or fiercely battling against the demonic Gundam mobile suit. The teaser ends with the RX-78 Gundam finally making its appearance. Iria Sorari is on the ground, and the Gundam towers above her in all its malevolence and glory.
The season will be from Zeon’s perspective, making Gundam even more powerful and insurgent. The science fiction anime is packed with colossal and intimidating mechas in a warn-torn apocalyptic setting.
Unraveling the Cast and Crew
The plot revolves around Iria Sorari, voiced by Australian actress Celia Massingham. She also performed stunts through motion capture for the realistic visuals in the series.
Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance has well-known production crew members, including the following:
- Executive producer and scriptwriter, Gavin Highnight
- Produced by Ken Iyadomi
- Directed by Erasmus Brosdau
- Wilbert Roget II is the music producer.
It is produced entirely with Epic Games Unreal Engine 5.
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Which Gundam to Watch First?
If you are eager to watch the forty-year-long anime series before Netflix’s live-action version comes out at the end of this year, we can help you find a good place to start. Check out RadioTimes.com to see the chronological order you may like. However, the Netflix series is based on the original anime series released in 1979.
Find out more in Mobile Suit Gundam: Requiem for Vengeance.