Welcome back tab today we have New exciting news for you. Netflix has planned on releasing its first new Supernatural thriller of 2022. The trailer for this new show was released on 5th January. Archive 81 is going to have a total of 8 episodes.
This show is all inspired by a popular podcast. The trailer shows the cast of the show including Dan Turner, He will be assigned to reconstruct some burnt videotapes that were saved from the fire in 1994.
Melody Pendras Will be seen as a documentary filmmaker. she must have recorded all these videotapes. In 1994 she must be filming some dangerous cult at Visser Building Just before she died. The clips with help Dan and melody to find out what must have happened to melody 25 years ago
As said by the executive producer and writer Sonnenshine, Archive 81 is an emotional and character-driven story about Nature 8 faith and the search for one’s identity. This show is a combination of all such drama tied up in one existential dread.
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The trailer shows that the video is going to make a very strong written with the power back story in the series. However, The horror in the story gives us all reason to watch this series. this series has a lot of twists and turns that will Blow Your Mind off. Archive 81 Will premiere the trailer on 14th January
With such excitement about this new show, Netflix has given us a new show to Look upon. Are you also excited just like me? If yes then do not forget to add this amazing show to your watch list just yet.
All the fans of horror series such as The Shining, Fringe, The X-Files, Suspiria, and Twin Peaks will be very excited to watch such a thriller going be to watch all the 8 episodes on Netflix.

Other than this all the Eagle-eyed fans I also going to have a lot of fun watching the Easter eggs in the first season of the show as it includes references to Solaris and Rosemary’s Baby.
The show is also being produced by Michael Clear of Atomic Monster James Wan, Rebecca Thomas, Antoine Douaihy, and Paul Harris Boardman
All You Need to Know About the Story of Archive 81
The story is about archivist Dan Turner ( by Mamoudou Athie), who takes the job of restoring a collection of damaged videotapes from 1994. Value was deconstructing the work of documentary filmmaker he found out something very unusual.
The filmmaker’s name was Melody Pendras ( by Dina Shihabi). he was drawn into that investigation and found it very interesting to know further what had actually happened. as this incident took place in a dangerous cult at the Visser building he got connected to it somehow and started his research.
As the series continues we will see the story going on in two different timelines. The season unfolds across these two timelines. gradually Dan found himself a lot obsessed with knowing what had actually happened to Melody.
With being so obsessed with the research he got connected to Melody in some mysterious way. Letter on Dan become convinced that you will be able to save melody from her terrifying past that she had faced 25 years ago and worked with her trying to figure it out.
The cast of the show also includes Athie and Shihabi, Martin Donovan, Julia Chan, Matt McGorry, Evan Jonigkeit, and Ariana Neal.
Archive 81 Trailer
The trailer has already been released on the 5th of January do make sure to add it to your watch list and watch this amazing show. till then stay tuned with us for all such mind-blowing updates about your favorite show and your favorite stars.
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