USD to PKR – 207.10 PKR against 1 USD on Google Exchange Rate is a Glitch

As of 28th July 2022 PST, all of the sudden the exchange rate of USD to PKR dropped to 207.10 PKR per USD on Google Exchange. However, exchange rate according to the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) inter-bank closing were 239.94 PKR per USD. The same happened on 28th December 2021.

Quick Links
USD-TO-PKR 207.10

However, the inter-bank will open trading tomorrow. This seems to be a Google Exchange System glitch only for the PKR currency.

usd to pkr 207.10
usd to pkr 207.10

For the all the traders, we have seen there was not any drop in USD to PKR conversion. This was just due to small glitch will be resolved soon. According to XE USD to PKR is still trading at the value of 238.44 PKR (could vary with time) against 1 USD.

XE Conversion USD to PKR
XE Conversion USD to PKR

(Disclaimer: The currency exchange rates as mentioned in this post have been obtained from various sources of the money market. The rates are only for information and are not intended as a suggestion or recommendation to trade. The exchange rates are subject to fluctuation during the day. Therefore, the rates given above may vary at any other during the day.)


Amna Aslam
Amna Aslam
Amna Aslam is a final year medical student. You will often find her in a corner binge watching a show on Netflix or reading the latest gossip when she is not busy in the hospital or going through her books.

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