OnePlus 7 Pro Android 10 Update Rolls Out Officially

Earlier this month, after so many testing with open beta versions. OnePlus released another beta build to smash some bugs. And now today, the company has officially started to roll out the stable Android 10 update which is based on OxygenOS 10 for their newly launched devices OnePlus 7 and OnePlus 7 pro.

In their earlier OnePlus 7 Pro Android 10 beta Updates. They mostly seems to fix bugs and and provided some minimum design tweaks. Below you can have a look at the change-log to know know exactly what they fixed in beta updates.

  • Fixed issues with Status Bar not displaying UI elements.
  • Fixed the crash issue with default OnePlus Gestures.
  • Re-designed Wi-Fi icon in Quick Settings.
  • General bug fixes and stability improvements.
  • Updated and fixed the crash issue with System UI caused by parallel Whatsapp app.
  • Fixed the dark screen issue on the lock screen while accessing Games.
  • Fixed the crash issue with the Fingerprint Unlock
  • Optimized the animation effect when Notification bar is being scrolled upwards.

Now let’s talk about the stable OnePlus 7 Pro Android 10 Update. With this update OnePlus has moved to OxygenOS version to 10. The OxygenOS 10 version comes with a new feature called “Game Space”. Which allows you to quickly access to all your installed games and with amazing options like “Fnatic Mode” and graphic optimisation at one place.

After OnePlus 7 Pro Android 10 Update, users will get new build that will include full screen mode gesture. Which will allow you to easily go back to the display by just swapping inwards from left or right edge of the screen.

Along with the new OS users will be getting several new changes such as new UI, updated customisation features in settings, developed location permissions.

OnePlus 7 Pro Android 10 Update Full Changelog of OxygenOS 10

  • Smart Display
    • Intelligent info based on specific times, locations and events for Ambient Display (Settings – Display – Ambient Display – Smart Display.
  • System
    • Enhanced location permissions for privacy
    • New customization feature in Settings allowing you to choose icon shapes to be displayed in the Quick Settings.
    • Upgraded to Android 10
    • Brand new UI design
  • Full Screen Gestures
    • Added a bottom navigation bar to allow switching left or right for recent apps.
    • Added inward swipes from the left or right edge of the screen to go back.
  • Message
    • Now possible to block spam by keywords for Message (Messages – Spam – Settings -Blocking settings)
  • Game Space
    • New Game Space feature now joins all your favorite games in one place for easier access and better gaming experience

OnePlus 7 Pro Android 10 Update with OxygenOS 10 is currently rolling out on “OTA” Over The Air. Right now that too is just for limited users. It will be available for all the users in few upcoming days if no bugs were found by the developers.

Officially company didn’t posted any link for the OnePlus 7 Pro Android 10 Update. All you need to wait till the update notification pop up in your handset.

We are expecting more about Android 10 Update from the side of company CEO for older models as Oppo is hosting a launch event in New Delhi on 26 September 2019. We hope there we will be able to see some new handsets and will also get to know more about OxygenOS 10.

Rahis Saifi
Rahis Saifi
Rahis Saifi always remains passionate towards innovation and his love for gadgets has been exhibited in his writing. His knack to learn more and more had turned him too passionate towards learning. His learning attitude had shaped him as a perfect writer, He writes about technology, gadgets, blogging, smartphone tips and tricks and software reviews.

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