Kremlin Papers Reveal ‘Groundbreaking News’ on Trump and Putin

The Kremlin papers reveal ‘Groundbreaking news.’ According to the Kremlin papers, Putin planted Trump in the White House.

Recently, after the leaking of kremlin documents, the cat is finally out of the bag. We now know how Trump won the 2016 Presidential elections. The papers reveal how Vladimir Putin’s personal involvement in assigning a secret spy agency was behind winning the US Presidential election by Donald Trump in 2016. These papers revealed that how all these proceedings took place during a closed session of Russia’s national security council,

The key meeting behind this master plan took place on 22nd January 2016, where the Russian president, with all his principal spy chiefs and ministers, was present.

They thought that with Trump in the White House, they would implement Moscow’s strategic objectives. This will lead to a ‘social turmoil’ within the US, which will weaken the position of the American president.

These papers further reveal that how Russia’s top-most spy agencies were given the orders to find practical ways of helping Trump. They gave the order through a decree bearing Putin’s signature.

At this point, Trump was still the frontrunner in the Republican party’s race for the nomination. Experts from Putin’s department were behind preparing this report, who recommended that Moscow use all possible forces to ensure Trump’s victory.

According to resources, western intelligence agencies knew about the papers from the past few months and have carefully examined them. The papers that the Guardian publicly reveals showcase a serious and highly unusual leak from the Kremlin.

After showing documents to independent experts, the Guardian reveals that they are 100% genuine, and all the details seem to be accurate. The overall tone and language used in the papers seem consistent with Kremlin’s security thinking.

Kremlin Papers

Kremlin’s Response on Papers:

After publicly revealing the documents, Kremlin responded negatively, denying all the allegations. Putin’s spokesman Dmitri Peskov said that this whole idea that the Russian leaders had a meeting in 2016 seems like great pulp fiction.

The report – ‘No 32-04/ I’d – is classified as a secret. It reveals that Trump is the “most promising candidate” as per Kremlin’s point of view. The Russian word for it was perspective.

A brief psychological assessment of Trump is also part of the report, which describes him as an impulsive, mentally unstable, and unbalanced individual with an inferiority complex.

The papers also confirm that Kremlin has kompromat potentially compromising material regarding the future president. The documents reveal that gathered the information during Trump’s unofficial visits to the Russian Territory.

The papers present valid proofs to the Russian officials attached in Appendix 5 of the report showing how Trump will help Russia’s ‘favored theoretical political scenario.’

Kremlin Summit

 Kremlin cannot deny that a meeting actually took place inside Kremlin in January 2016 because an official photo showing Putin’s head beneath the Russian flag is present.

Along with Putin, Russia’s political crème de la crème also attended the meeting. However, a press release for that occasion revealed that the meeting covered the economy and Moldova.

But the documents collected by the Guardian propose that the real purpose of the security council’s meeting was to discuss the secret proposals to discuss the president’s analytical service in response to US sanctions against Moscow.

The author of these papers is Vladimir Symonenko, a senior official in charge of the Kremlin’s expert department. The papers clearly indicate that Symonenko circulated a three-paper summary of this investigation.

But we can clearly see from the report that it doesn’t mention Hillary Clinton, Trump’s rival; instead, it proposes using media resources to undermine US political figures.

Certain paragraphs suggest how Russia can insert media viruses into American public life, becoming self-sustaining and self-replicating. The leaked papers appear to plan out a route map for what really happened in 2016.

Weeks after this meeting, GRU hackers raided Democratic National Committee DNC. They purposedly released thousands of private emails to hurt Clinton’s election campaign.

Enthralling Kremlin Papers

Andrei Soldatov expert on Russian spying agencies, said the leaked documents definitely reflect reality. Based on his experience, he further adds that decisions are always made like that, with advisors providing information to the chain of commands and the president. He says that Kremlin micromanages the majority of these operations.

Sir Andrew Wood, UK’s former ambassador, described these documents as spell-binding.

Rahis Saifi
Rahis Saifi
Rahis Saifi always remains passionate towards innovation and his love for gadgets has been exhibited in his writing. His knack to learn more and more had turned him too passionate towards learning. His learning attitude had shaped him as a perfect writer, He writes about technology, gadgets, blogging, smartphone tips and tricks and software reviews.

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