Welcome back Fam! We are back again with some interesting news updates for you. Starting exactly from this month all the online businesses who showcase and sell their product on other online platforms such as Etsy, Airbnb, and Venmo will have to pay tax if they have received any payment above $600.
So after this news was out all the tech companies notified all the users about these new changes and had asked them to submit all the necessary tax information required regarding this new update.
After this recent update, Venmo shared a message to all its users saying that this year the amount for the threshold was a lot higher than this amount.
That is around $20,000 for an average of 200 transactions and that didn’t affect many people as they had never had crossed the value.
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However, as the update has been done now the requirement is only for all the payments that have been done for only Goods and services and this payment won’t be applied to any of the payments of friends or family.
Since When Will the Threshold of $600 Be Charged?
Thus these new changes in online business had impacted a lot of masses entirely on social media.
This low amount of threshold had let all Americans turn their jobs into entrepreneurship and if we see the reports of the last year on an average of 5.4 million people had started doing online business.
This report was shared by the US Census Bureau the previous week and it is believed that more and more people are turning their businesses or jobs into online businesses. This kind of change in tax threshold had created a lot of fuss and this had aroused a lot of questions directly to president Biden’s promise which he had made to make Americans tax wealthy.

To this change all businesses owners reacted in a certain way and here are some of the comments made by some business owners.
Sandra O’Neill being a tax attorney she shared that it might be a good way to earn profit from IRS but these taxes are directly coming from small online business owners, not millionaires.
Along with her another member of Bowditch & Dewey also shared in an interview with Bloomberg it is always difficult for them to be after billionaires, it might be difficult to go after Amazon however it is always easy to go after small businesses owners like us.
How Did the Change in Threshold Affect the Business Owners?
Before this law was passed all the online marketers, payment providers, and app makers used to pay the thresholds only for the users who have received more than 200 transactions and that would amount to a total of $20,000 for one year.
This new threshold of $600 was introduced last year in the American Rescue plan however White House didn’t issue it at that time due to pandemics.
White House had introduced an issue relief program for all small businesses and had also asked the small businesses to open their own established business.
Thus a lot of small businesses left the commission and had started their own business for the income they had relied on all the platforms such as Block Inc.’s and Venmo app to accept the payment, as shared by the chief executive officer of the hairstyling community Mary Rector.
Further, she shared that this step taken by the White House had added on a lot to the people. Even after being fully aware of the situation, the business of the people was shut down for so many days and they had also lost a lot of income for a longer period of time.
People took a step and started their own business and had started renting their chairs, this is the reason Venmo became such important for all these people.