Black Superman- Is it Releasing Soon?

With so many Superman movies already released, it was only a matter of time until DC brought Black Superman to life from the comic books. And that time has come! This is because word on the streets is that Warner Bros has already gotten Ta-Nehisi Coates on writing the script for the upcoming blockbuster movie, Black Superman. Moreover, J.J. Abrams will be producing it. This was confirmed in February. But has the script been completed? Is the cast hired? When is it releasing? Find all the details below!

Black Superman Release Date

Until now, no release date has been announced. But that is probably because the script has not been completed yet either. According to our sources, the script will be completed by December and that is when all the details regarding the movie will be finalized. In addition to this, a director has not been made official yet either. So, viewers will have to wait for quite some time for the movie to release. Our best bet is that the movie will be released in 2023.


Black Superman

The main plot of the superhero movie will be the same as the comics. But instead of opting for Calvin Ellis or Val Zod, we have heard that the writer will be sticking to Kal-El only. However, he will be black this time and probably much more stronger. And if the movie stays true to the comics, Black Superman will probably also be the President of the United States. Furthermore, the movie will also be situated in the 20th Century. That is one twist we are waiting to see. After all, wouldn’t it be great to see the superhero with a cape in most recent times? Coates is still working on the script. This is why we don’t have all the details. However, as soon as we get them, we share them with you.

Black Superman Cast

The cast for the movie hasn’t been made official yet. Michael B Jordan was one candidate we thought would be wearing the cape this time. But, he shot down all our dreams and rumors by stating the following statement in an interview:

“I’m just watching on this one.”

So, fans will just have to wait until Superman and the rest of the cast are decided. We will share the updates here as soon as we get them.


Since the movie hasn’t begun filming, a trailer will not be airing any time soon.

Rahis Saifi
Rahis Saifi
Rahis Saifi always remains passionate towards innovation and his love for gadgets has been exhibited in his writing. His knack to learn more and more had turned him too passionate towards learning. His learning attitude had shaped him as a perfect writer, He writes about technology, gadgets, blogging, smartphone tips and tricks and software reviews.

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