As the tensions between Ukraine and Russia are on a significant rise along with Vladimir Putin’s threat to the United States, the chances of nuclear war are becoming more concerning. The Russian President has warned that if the United States continues to oppose him and help Ukraine with weapons and ammunition, he will launch nuclear missiles. In this scenario, people of the country are curious to know which American states are the worst and which ones are the best to live in the event of nuclear war. So, let’s discuss in this article, which US states might be better equipped to handle the impacts of nuclear war and which ones might face greater challenges.
Best US States To Live During Nuclear War
As the threats of nuclear war are rising, certain US states might offer a better chance of living because of several factors such as population density, and its geographical location. Using some key survival indicators, a new study has been released which lists some safe American states where people can take shelter in case a nuclear war happens. Also, Bing Maps data was used to estimate relevant facilities in each state. These are:-
The first American state that is considered the safest to live during nuclear war is Vermont. This US state is located in the New England region of the United States. The capital of this state is Montpelier and it is regarded as the least populated capital of a US state. On the basis of population density, access to fresh water and food, and adequate survival resources, it is one of the safest spots. Because the state has mountainous terrains, Vermont is an ideal state to take shelter because it will provide a protective shield against radioactive fallout.
Another state located in the New England region of the United States which might be a safe spot during nuclear war is Maine. Popularly, this region is called The Pine Tree State. Maine is one of those states that is quite remote, has rural regions, and is distant from the major American states. The state of Maine also has a low population density which reduces the likelihood of a nuclear attack target. Also, the state has unlimited access to natural resources fresh water, arable land, and many more. Food availability, adequate survival resources, favorable wind patterns, and low population make it an ideal state to live in during the launch of nuclear missiles.
The American state of Louisiana is the third state that might not be affected by a nuclear war. This state is located in the deep south and south-central regions of America and has a coastline with the Gulf of Mexico. Though the state is home to significant infrastructures, oil refineries, and military bases such as Barksdale Air Force Base, but its access to fresh water, and distance from metropolitan areas makes it quite a safe spot. Further, the state is moderately populated, which might make it a least important target.
The US state of Wyoming is located in the western part of the United States and does not have any coastline or access to the ocean. Also, it is located in the Mountain West which means it has lots of high plains and mountains. According to experts, Wyoming has a low population density which reduces the risk of being targeted by a nuclear missile. Also, it is less likely to experience heavy fallout because of its remote location and long distance from coastal regions. Wyoming is a safe place to live because it has access to natural resources.
New Hampshire
The American state of New Hampshire is located in the New England region of the United States and is sometimes considered one of the safer states during a nuclear war. Popularly, it is also known as the Granite State or White Mountain State. This state does not have any military bases or industrial spots and has a low population density. Because the state is located in the northeastern region, it is surrounded by forests which means it will be protected against nuclear fallout. Further, it has an ample amount of critical survival resources.
The next state that might be safe to live in during a nuclear attack is Montana. Just like Wyoming, this state is also located in the Mountain West and does not have access to the ocean or any coastline. It is the 8th least populated state in the United States which means it has low population density. Further, the state is located in a remote location which implies that it is distant from major metropolitan areas. The state has open spaces, access to fresh water, is surrounded by trees and forests, and has favorable wind patterns which means the risk of radioactive fallout is very low.
The next state that is considered a safe spot to live in during the event of nuclear war is Idaho. This state is located in the Pacific Northwest and Mountain West regions which means that Idaho has forests, mountains, and rugged terrains. It is the 13th least-populated state which implies that it has a low population density. Further, the state is isolated and far from major coastal cities which makes it less prone to nuclear attacks. Also, it has access to critical survival resources.
North Dakota
Just like the above-mentioned American states, North Dakota is also one of the safest states to reside, in the event of nuclear war. Its low population density minimizes the risk of a large number of casualties, while its isolated and rural location reduces the risk of being one of the main targets. Further, the state has a large amount of natural resources such as freshwater which makes it ideal for long-term survival. Although the state is the home of Minot Air Force Base, which could make it a target, the state is still safe as compared to other big US states.
South Dakota
South Dakota, the landlocked American state is another state where people can reside in the event of nuclear war. It is often considered safe because the state has a sparse population which means there will be less likelihood of being a main target. Next, Mount Rushmore State is located farther from major coastal cities. The favorable wind patterns in South Dakota might result in less fallout as compared to other highly-populated US states. Also, the nature of the state is rural which means it has access to infinite survival resources.
The US state of Arkansas is also known as the Natural State or Land of Opportunity. This state does not have a coastline which means it is completely surrounded by land. Arkansas is considered relatively safer to live during nuclear war because of many reasons. Firstly, the state is located in the central US, far from the coasts which makes it less likely to feel the impact of a nuclear attack. Secondly, the state has a tiny population. Thirdly, the Natural State is full of farmland, freshwater, and other natural resources that are important for a person’s survival in case of a nuclear attack.
Worst US States To Live During Nuclear War
In September, Vladimir Putin emphasized that Russia could use nuclear weapons if the attacks by its enemies become a serious threat. Though there are some US states that might be considered safe during a nuclear war, but there are also some states that would face greater risks and may become the primary targets of a nuclear missile. American states that have large populations and military bases might become the target.
The first American state that is considered worst to live in during a nuclear war is Hawaii, which is also called The Aloha State and Paradise of the Pacific. It is an island state which is located in a remote area which makes accessing essential equipment from the mainland very challenging and difficult. The state does not have a favorable climate and it is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Just because of being located on a remote island, the state is highly dependent on imports for fuel, and food. Further, the population of this state is concentrated and most people live in cities such as Honolulu.
Another state that is not safe to live in during a nuclear war is California. Popularly known as the Golden State, California is one of the biggest American states and is the home of cities such as Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Fransisco. These cities have very high populations, which increases their chances of being the primary targets. Further, the state has several industries, such as Hollywood and Silicon Valley. Also, the state has large ports, which are important for trade and military logistics.
New York
After California, another big state that is the target of a nuclear attack is New York. Commonly, it is known as the Empire State and is located in the northeastern United States. Because it is a major cultural, financial, and political center, there is a high chance of New York being the main target. Further, New York City is very densely populated so a nuclear attack in the state might cause a large number of casualties, making it a worst place to reside in. Also, the risk of radioactive fallout in New York is very high, depending upon where the nuclear explosion happens. According to an examination done by Newsweek, it is expected that around 16,250,858 people would be within the full blast range and about 5,458,130 people might lose their lives in New York. Approximately 5,601,470 would suffer injuries.
Washington DC
Washington DC is one of the most important states in the United States of America because it is the center of the US government. White House, Capitol Building, and houses of many prominent political leaders are in Washington which increases the likelihood of being a primary target for nuclear attack. The state and its surrounding areas are highly populated, which means a nuclear strike might lead to massive destruction and casualties. It has been predicted that if Russia launches nuclear missiles on Washington, around 6,077,683 people would be within the full blast range. Further, approximately 2,029,390 might sustain severe injuries and 1,638,140 might lose their lives. All these factors imply that Washington DC is not a safe place to live during a nuclear war.
The American state of Nevada, which is also called The Silver State or The Battle Born State, is often considered one of the worst places to reside during a nuclear attack. The state is home to the Nevada National Security Site which makes it a primary target for nuclear attacks. The state is also very close to California and other major US states, which means if a nuclear attack happens in those states, the fallout can easily spread out to Nevada. Further, it is a rural state which means it has limited resources and infrastructure which could make survival very difficult.
The Grand Canyon State, commonly known as Arizona is located in the southwestern United States. This state is amongst the worst US states to live in during a nuclear attack because it is in close proximity to other major states such as California, and Nevada, which are likely to be targeted. Secondly, the Luke Air Force Base and Davis Monthan Air Force Base are located in Arizona, which implies that they can be a potential target for nuclear attack. Further, though the state has some rural areas but most of its parts are urban which can lead to making it a potential nuclear attack target.
New Mexico
The Land of Enchantment, which is known as New Mexico might be the worst state to live in during a nuclear war because it has many reasons due to which it can become a potential target. Firstly, the Los Alamos National Laboratory, one of the largest scientific institutions, is located in New Mexico. Secondly, the population of the state is scattered or sparse which could result in a massive number of casualties. Thirdly, though the state has some urban areas, but most parts are rural with limited survival resources such as food, medical care, and freshwater. All of these factors make New Mexico a not-so-safe state to live in if Russia launches nuclear missiles.