30 Secrets from the Harry Potter Franchise

The wizarding world of Harry Potter has been a fan favourite for a very long time because of its intriguing plot and characters. While many details in the film series were explicitly available to the Potterheads, there were also some hidden details that even the most devoted fans of Harry Potter might not know. The movie franchise is full of surprises, which, according to us, every Harry Potter film series fan should know about. So, in this article, we will tell you some of the secrets about this renowned film franchise, that will make it more unforgettable.

Professor Minerva McGonagall Was A Quidditch Player

Professor Minerva McGonagall Was A Quidditch Champion

In the Harry Potter film franchise, Quidditch is an important game, and the skills of Harry Potter in this game are recognized early by Professor Minerva McGonagall. In a scene, where all the students are learning to fly, Draco Malfoy takes Neville’s Remember Ball and teases him with it. Seeing this, Harry decides to help Longbottom to retrieve his magical object and this is the time when McGonagall sees that Harry is very skilled. Despite the professor’s instructions, he takes off on his broom and flies away. Later, when he is selected for the game, he expresses his anxiety, but Hermione brings him to the trophy’s display. There, she points out that Harry’s father was also a Quidditch player, and if you look closely, you will see a trophy with McGonagall’s name on it. This implies that McGonagall was a Quidditch Champion.

Newt Scamander Visited Hogwarts When Harry Was Studying There

Newt Scamander Visited Hogwarts When Harry Was Studying There

When New Scamander appeared in the film, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, in which he goes from the Atlantic to America, it was not his 1st appearance. It was actually his second appearance in the Harry Potter universe. The wizard, Newt Scamander does not appear in the physical form in the film, but he was visiting the magical school of Hogwarts when Harry Potter was a student there. When George and Fred Weasley give Harry the renowned Marauder’s Map, it can be seen that Newt’s name is walking in the hallways of the magical school in the map’s center area. This implies that during Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Newt Scamander visited Hogwarts.

The Mirror Of Erised Is Named Desire Spelled Out Backwards

The Mirror Of Erised In The Film Series Is Named Desire Spelled Out Backwards

In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, there is a scene in which Harry Potter sees his mother and father in a mirror, who are very proud of him. Immediately, after thinking that the mirror might be a way he could communicate to his parents, he ran to Ron Weasley. But when Ron arrives he sees different images in the mirror. Later, Albus Dumbledore explains to Harry Potter that the mirror in which he saw his parents actually shows the person’s desires that are deep and personal. In the beginning, when the Mirror of Erised is shown, the camera highlights its golden border which has some words engraved on it. Firstly, the words do not look understandable but if you read them backward, they do make sense. “I show not your face but your heart’s desire,” are the words written on the mirror.

Harry Potter Novels Kept In A Window Display In Knockturn Alley

Harry Potter Novels Kept In A Window Display In Knockturn Alley

At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Chambers of Secret, the family of Weasleys transports themselves to Diagon Alley by way of their fireplace which is a Floo Network. However, when it is Harry’s turn, he doesn’t pronounce the words Diagon Alley clearly due to which he arrives at an unusual place called Knocktrun Alley. But Rubeus Hagrid comes to his rescue immediately. When they are going back, they both pass through a bookstore that has some interesting books. In the scene, if you look closely, you can see that they are actually Harry Potter novels kept in the store. This is a very intricate detail that could only be seen if looked closely.

Lucius Malfoy Was Casting An Unforgivable Curse On Harry

Lucius Malfoy Was Casting An Unforgivable Curse On Harry

Lucius Malfoy was one of the most dangerous villains in the Harry Potter film series. In the Chamber of Secrets film he is the center of attraction because he keeps Lord Voldemort’s diary in Ginny’s cauldron. At the end of the film, when Harry Potter confronts him about the dark deed he did, the dark wizard denies it completely and gets angry at Harry for making an allegation to him. Later, when Harry tricks him into giving Dobby a sock so that he can free himself from Malfoy’s service, Lucius gets even angrier. At this time, he takes out his wand and threatens Harry, but before saying anything he is stopped by Dobby. If you listen and look carefully, he said Avada which is actually a spell called Avada Kedavra. This is one of the 3 unforgivable curses in the film series.

Mystery of the Millennium Bridge In Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince

Mystery of the Millennium Bridge In Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince Film

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is one of the darkest movies of the film franchise because, by this time, the magical world of Hogwarts was in great trouble. Lord Voldemort makes his return and is more powerful than before. Along with this, he is plotting against Harry to take his revenge in a very dangerous manner. The Half-Blood Prince begins with Voldemort’s supporters going to London and damaging the Millennium Bridge, which is one of the city’s landmarks. Though the scene is very thrilling and exciting, but there is a small detail that everyone missed out on. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was set in the 1990s however, the Millennium Bridge was opened in 2000. This implies that when this film was made, the bridge did not exist.

Neville Longbottom Forgets To Wear His Cloak

Neville Longbottom Forgets To Wear His Cloak

In the film series, the scene of owls flying through the castle and giving the letters to the students is one of the most memorable scenes. In this scene, Neville Longbottom, the probable chosen one, is given a Remember Ball. This is a magical object that immediately fills with red smoke if its user forgets something. When the ball is placed in his hand it turns red but the only problem is that he cannot remember what it is that he has forgotten. If you are a true Potterhead and look closely, you can figure out what he has forgotten. In the scene, every student is wearing a black cloak but Longbottom is not.

Horace Slughorn’s Wand Matches His Personality And Traits

Horace Slughorn's Wand Matches His Personality And Traits

It is always said in the Harry Potter film franchise that a wand represents a wizard or witch’s personality and character traits. This was exactly true in the case of Professor Horace Slughorn whose wand clearly showed that it can be used in special ways in the Harry Potter universe. The magical wand of Horace Slughorn highlighted the efforts put in by the filmmakers to highlight the small details. The tip of the wand’s handle comes out in 2 round prong shapes which can be a pair of horns or a slug head. Also, we know that Slughorn cared a lot about luxury and appearance. So, in order to highlight this, his wand was covered in metal and was painted silver and black.

The Name Moony Was Misspelled On the Marauder’s Map

The Name Moony Was Misspelled On the Marauder's Map

The next secret that the Harry Potter film franchise doesn’t want the fans to know is that the name Moony was misspelled as Mooney. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the Marauder’s Map was given to Harry by Fred and George Weasley. This map is a magical item that tracks the movements of all the magical beings in Hogwarts. In a scene, when the first glimpse of the map’s front is given, the viewers can see the nicknames of all the creators such as Prongs, Moony, Padfoot, and Wormtail. But if we look closely, the word Moony was misspelled as Mooney. This was done deliberately by the Harry Potter team because they were making a reference to Karl Mooney, the film’s visual effects supervisor. This was a very intricate detail that could only be noticed if you knew who Karl Mooney was.

Daniel, Emma, And Rupert Did Their Real School Homework

Daniel, Emma, And Rupert Did Their Real School Homework

In the initial parts of the film series, when Harry Potter, Hermoine Granger, and Ron Weasley were attending lectures at the magical school of Hogwarts, they were actually doing their real-life homework in the class. This was so because the workload on the actors was so much that they did not get any free time.

The Harry Potter Universe Had Their Own Food Brands

The Harry Potter Universe Had Their Own Food Brands

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is one of those movies in the film series which is known for its huge set built for Hogwarts’ dining hall. The dining area for the students at the magical school is very luxurious but it also has some intricate and minute details which makes it more special. The filmmakers not only used a large amount of real food, but they also introduced and invented their own food brands, such as Cheeri-Owls, which could only be available in the magical world.

Ministry Of Magic’s Entrance Code Spells Out Magic

Ministry Of Magic's Entrance Code Spells Out Magic

In Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix there was another detail that might have been missed out by many Potterheads. In the film, when Harry and Arthur Weasley go to the Ministry of Magic, the pure-blood wizard, Weasley is highly amazed by the innovations that non-magical people use in their everyday lives such as bicycles and subways. Harry helps him in finding his way in the city of London which is new for Weasley but an everyday affair for Harry. On their way, they get to a particular telephone phone where Arthur Weasley shows him some magic. This telephone booth was the visitor’s entrance to the Ministry of Magic. To enter, he puts in some money and dials 62442. This is a hidden detail because on a telephone number pad, this spells as MAGIC.

Hedwig’s Character Was Played By 7 Owls

Hedwig's Character Was Played By 7 Owls

In the Harry Potter film franchise, the character of Harry’s pet, Hedwig is one of the most loved around the world. In the first film of the franchise, there were three owls who actually played the part of Hedwig. However, later it was revealed that in the film series, a total of seven owls played the role of this female snowy owl and they were all brought from Massachusetts. Elmo, Bandit, Oops, Swoops, Gizmo, Kasper, and Oh Oh are the names.

Harry Potter’s Quidditch Captain Number Indicates Something Else

Harry Potter's Quidditch Captain Number Indicates Something Else

In the Harry Potter film series, Quidditch is a popular game because Harry and his father James Potter were highly skilled in this. So, when Harry Potter becomes the captain of Gryffindor House’s Quidditch Team in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, the plot of the series takes a thrilling turn. The directors made sure that this was a special moment which hinted at a very important point. Harry Potter’s number as Quidditch Captain is 7 and this can be taken as a big clue that indicates his role as Lord Voldemort’s seventh Horcruxes. Also, the number can have another meaning related to the character such as the Harry Potter series has seven books.

Gilderoy Lockhart Lied About His Hair

Gilderoy Lockhart Lied About His Hair

Kenneth Branagh is the actor who played the role of Gilderoy Lockhart in the Harry Potter film franchise. In the 2nd year, he was Harry Potter’s professor of Defense Against the Dark Arts. In Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, though Lockhart is famous for his exciting stories and adventures, but his lies are exposed when he is supposed to save Ginny Weasley in the Chamber of Secrets. He is exposed as a fraud and instead of being brave, he tries to run away from Hogwarts but is ultimately caught by Harry and Ron. In a scene, in which Harry and Ron confront him in his office, the viewers can see on Lockhart’s desk that a blonde wig is kept. Through this, the director wants to tell that he is telling many lies.

End Credits In Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Film

End Credits In Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire Film

In a scene in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, a night before the 1st Triwizard Tournament event, some dragons are kept in a cage and are mistreated by the people who were assigned to take care of them. This shows that dragons are being used in Hollywood for entertainment purposes in a way that is not good. However, to avoid any kind of criticism and negative opinions about the unfair treatment of dragons, the director made sure to add a sentence in the end credits of the film. When the movie is over, the audience can see in the end credits a sentence that says, “No dragons were harmed in the making of this movie.” This shows that it is a humorous line added by the crew just to indicate that no real animals are hurt while making the film.

Wizard Reading Stephen Hawking’s Novel A Brief History Of Time

Wizard Reading Stephen Hawking's Novel A Brief History Of Time

The world of Harry Potter is magical and in the film franchise, the witches and wizards were very occasionally seen using and interacting with muggle objects. But when they do it, they often get the idea of how simple and confusing non-magical inventions can be. At the beginning of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, it appears that wizards indulge in literature and read books written by non-magical people. When Harry Potter runs away from The Dursleys, he goes to the famous magical pub, The Leaky Cauldron. There, the viewers can see a wizard reading Stephen Hawking’s book, A Brief History Of Time.

Dementors In Harry Potter Are Based On JK Rowling’s Own Experiences

Dementors In Harry Potter Are Based On JK Rowling's Own Experiences

JK Rowling is the writer of the Harry Potter novels who in an interview revealed that the dementors or the dark creatures in the Harry Potter universe are based on her own experiences with depression. She has stated that they represent the feeling of being completely empty, just like there are no emotions. In the story, dementors are created to depict the dark and hopeless feelings that a person feels when they are depressed.

Beauxbaton Witches Dance On The Macarena

Beauxbaton Witches Dance On The Macarena

The Bauxbatons Academy of Magic is first introduced in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Students of this magical school located in the mountains of Europe are popular for their magical abilities. In the film, the introduction of the Bauxbatons students is one of the most remarkable scenes. They were dancing in a graceful manner which caught the eyes of everyone at Hogwarts as they entered into the Great Hall. However, when the Goblet of Fire movie was nearing its end, the witches of the school were dancing in a less elegant manner. They were doing a fancy version of a famous dance called The Macarena, which was usually done by muggle people.

Chess Game Hints At A Major Climactic Fight In The Film Series

Chess Game Hints At A Major Climactic Fight In The Film Series

Another secret that most Potterheads might not know is that a chess game hinted at a major fight that took place in the later part of the Harry Potter film series. In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Harry is seen learning different things about the magical world with the help of Ron Weasley. One such thing he learns about the wizarding world is actually how wizards spend their free time. In a scene, the viewers can see that Ron Weasley is teaching Harry how to play the violent wizard’s chess. In this game, the chess pieces destroy each other when one member loses the game. So, when Ron’s queen takes over Harry’s knight, it hints that later in the film series, they have to play real-life violent chess to get the Sorcerer’s Stone.

An Early Appearance Of The Deathly Hallows Hints At Last 2 Movies

An Early Appearance Of The Deathly Hallows Hints At Last 2 Movies

There are many scenes in the Harry Potter film franchise that hint at or foreshadow the upcoming important events. One such incident was when in an early film, a hint was given about the final 2 movies of the franchise. The hint is made in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, when Albus Dumbledore tells Harry the truth about Barty Crouch Jr just before the finals of the Triwizard Tournament. In this scene, when both the characters are in Dumbledore’s office, a pyramid with a circle in the middle can be seen. This is the symbol that represents Deathly Hallows which becomes crucial later in the franchise. Also, this detail can only be seen if you look very closely.

Microphone Packs Visible In A Scene In Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban

Microphone Packs Visible In A Scene In Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban

The director, Alfonso Cuaron is known in the entertainment industry for cutting down costs and not using things that are very expensive. In some scenes of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, the director decided to use microphone packs on his actors to cut down the production costs and capture all the sound they need on the set. However, compromising on something can result in certain mistakes which was also made in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. In a scene in which Hermione and Harry use the Time Turner to save Buckbeak, the mic packs can be clearly seen under their shirts on their backs.

Tom Felton’s Real-Life Girlfriend Plays Draco Malfoy’s Wife

Tom Felton's Real-Life Girlfriend Plays Draco Malfoy's Wife

In the final scene of the Harry Potter film franchise, a scene is shown in which Harry Potter, Ginny, Hermione, and Ron are standing at the King’s Cross Station, located in London. They were sending off their children to the magical school of Hogwarts. When the scene is going on, viewers can also catch a glimpse of Draco Malfoy, his son, and his wife. In this scene, Draco Malfoy’s wife is portrayed by Tom Felton’s real-life girlfriend at that time, Olivia Gordon. The couple was dating before Felton filmed the last installment of the Harry Potter film series and eventually broke up in 2016. Also, Olivia Gordon was a stunt assistant in the franchise.

Ron Weasley Liked Hermione Granger A Lot More Than He Showed

Ron Weasley Liked Hermione Granger A Lot More Than He Showed

One of the most entertaining plots throughout the Harry Potter film series is seeing Ron Weasely and Hermione Granger developing their love connection. Until the 4th movie, the filmmakers did not clearly show their romantic feelings towards each other, but in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, they give small clues that clearly suggest that they both have hidden feelings for each other. One of the biggest clues given by the filmmakers in this movie is that when Hermione travels back in time using a Time Turner, Ron is the only person who notices every time, when she is not around. This shows that he is paying more attention to the whereabouts of Hermione Granger than anybody else.

Daniel Radcliffe Couldn’t Learn The Yule Ball Dance Choreography

Daniel Radcliffe Couldn't Learn The Yule Ball Dance Choreography

The next secret detail that might have been missed by most of the Potterheads is the dance choreography of the Yulu Ball. In Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, the Yulu Ball scene is among the most appealing scenes. The scene clearly depicts how the school dance performances can feel uncomfortable and awkward. At the same time, the scene also shows the magical world of Hogwarts which has its own charm. However, if you notice closely, there is something unusual going on in the scene. Daniel Radcliffe has revealed that it was very difficult for him to learn the Yulu Dance choreography because of the excessive workload. Therefore, the director only took above-the-waist shots of Harry in this scene so that his foot mistakes could not be seen by the viewers.

Severus Snape’s Coded Message To Harry Potter In The Film Series

Severus Snape's Coded Message To Harry Potter In The Film Series

In Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone, Professor Severus Snape suddenly comes into a classroom and starts giving a speech about how complex and difficult potions are to make and how many Hogwarts students will fail in it. He then notices Harry, who is writing whatever Snape is stating, but thinks that he is ignoring his lecture and doing his own thing. He asks Harry some difficult questions and makes him feel embarrassed in front of the whole class when he doesn’t know the answers to those questions. However, though this may seem a little cruel at first, but if we look attentively, it was a coded message. Snape asks Harry Potter what will happen if he adds the powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood. This was a coded message in which Severus Snape regrets Lily Evans’ death.

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Promotes Daniel’s Stage Play Equus

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1 Promotes Daniel's Stage Play Equus

During a scene in Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows: Part 1, the family of the film franchise placed a secret detail about Daniel Radcliffe’s stage play, Equus. Outside of the Harry Potter film series, this stage play made Daniel a household name in the entertainment industry. During one of the most action-packed scenes in Deathly Hallows: Part 1, when Harry, Ron, and Hermione are dueling two wizards in a cafe in London, the viewers can see the poster of his famous stage play pasted on a display board in the background. This was done to commemorate his stage play’s notoriety which made him a household name in the entertainment industry.

The Tricky and Magical Sign of The Leaky Cauldron

The Tricky and Magical Sign of The Leaky Cauldron

When Rubeus Hagrid was giving Harry Potter a tour of the magical world in the Diagon Alley, their popular stop is at the wizarding pub called The Leaky Cauldron. This magical pub, later on in the film series becomes Harry’s favourite spot. In a scene, the viewers can see the sign of The Leaky Cauldron starting from blank and black. But when Harry Potter and Hagrid start getting near the door of the pub, the sign starts revealing. This means that the sign is magically protected and stays hidden unless a wizard approaches so that the muggle people cannot notice it.

Flashback Scenes Of Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Were Written By JK Rowling

Flashback Scenes Of Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone Were Written By JK Rowling

JK Rowling is the famous author who wrote the seven-volume novel series of Harry Potter. But a hidden detail, which has never come in front of true Potterheads is that she also wrote the script of flashback scenes in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. In the film, the scenes that show Lord Voldemort killing James and Lily Potter were in reality written by JK Rowling because she was the one who actually knew what happened. Further, it was done so that the scenes could be made more real.

Hermione Granger Was Supposed To Have Buck Teeth

Hermione Granger Was Supposed To Have Buck Teeth

Emma Watson plays Hermione Granger in the Harry Potter film series. However, as described in the novel, the actress’s real-life teeth do not match Hermione’s. So, to do this, she was originally told to wear fake buck teeth in the film series. Soon, the crew realised that she was finding it difficult to talk with those fake teeth in her mouth. Hence, they decided not to use them.


Megha Chauhan
Megha Chauhan
Megha Chauhan is an accomplished content writer who holds a degree in Law. Her extensive expertise in research and writing has helped her excel in this field. Her expertise spans from engaging blog posts and in-depth articles. Passionate about storytelling, Megha continually hones her skills to stay ahead of trends, ensuring her content remains fresh and impactful.

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