One of the main problems of management is that companies fail to achieve well-coordinated, practical work, despite the competence and potential of the management team.
Managers do not have enough time to think about the overall strategy, because they are involved in solving all, even the smallest, operational issues, and employees do not have the opportunity to fully develop. The staff does not understand their area of responsibility and the order of actions, so the manager again has to take on most of the work tasks. This causes discontent and demotivation on both sides.
What is the essence of the business process?
A business process is a series of repetitive actions in a specific sequence to achieve the company’s goals. Business Process Design (BPD) – setting up a working business process.
Setting up a business process is necessary not only for an already working team but also for introducing new employees to the team. If there is a live business process that everyone understands, it will be easier for beginners to integrate into the system.

Step #1: Delegation
The easiest way to start training yourself to trust is to transfer simple functionality: hire a driver, personal assistant, or secretary. You can not only just hire a vehicle but choose a rental car with a driver worldwide. A variety of services like chauffeur service in Dubai are available as well as plenty of cars for rent in the numerous rental services!
The topic of delegation is particularly acute for a “young” manager who has recently left the subordinate status. He still needs to have time to change his working habits, and understand his value as a team leader, or is still afraid of increased responsibility. Therefore, he continues to do his current work, keeps everything under personal control, and does not delegate anything to others.
Step #2: Motivation
A company, as a rule, does not have endless opportunities for financial incentives for employees, so it is important to turn to non-material motivation. An effective tool for finding out non-material factors is a personal conversation.
Talk face-to-face with each employee you are interested in and find out what can serve as a motivator for them, and what on the contrary hinders effective work. Perhaps this will be a minimal investment for the company, but an important point for the employee.
Step #3: Goal Setting
This is another simple tool that is often neglected in practice. A specific, unified goal must be designated to succeed. Formulate a clear understanding of goals and corporate values together with the team. Make sure that you have specified all the details, areas of responsibility, which resources to attract, and what the result of the work should look like. This way you will get not only an effectively established process but also an understanding of what can go wrong.
Step #4: Communication
In communication, there is a source of information and there is a recipient. The source is the manager, he has a set of tasks that need to be conveyed to his team. Everything is simple with the source, but with the recipient, that is, with the employee, it happens differently.
For example, if the manager gave the task to the team without a specific indication of the responsible person and a personal discussion of the details of the task, then none of the team members will do this task. Each employee will think that the recipient is someone else, not himself. And if the task requires the participation of several people, then all of them should be named by name.
For each employee in the team to understand their role and area of responsibility, and for the work to go smoothly and quickly – you need to follow the formula: personnel evaluation + business process setup. First, it is worth evaluating the staff to understand who will cope with what responsibilities best, and then go through the steps: delegation, motivation, goal-setting, and communication. When a business process is configured in one team, it can be replicated in other divisions of the company.